World Kindness Week

November 9-15 is World Kindness Week. This week reminds us that it’s important for people to be kind and respectful to one another. Have you met someone new? Are you in an existing relationship? What is something nice you can do for that special person in your life?

Here are some kind things you can do:

  • Have continuous, open and honest communication with that special person.
  • Listen to that person’s needs and desires.
  • Respect their choice not to participate in sexual activity.
  • If you are in a sexual relationship, or considering it, get yourself screened for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) so you and your partner don’t have to worry about contracting some type of ‘unkindness’ when you spend intimate time together.

Being 100% abstinent is the only way of being 100% STD free, but there are other ways of being safe. Male and female condoms  help protect against contracting an STD and also help prevent pregnancy.

Birth control has a higher rate of pregnancy prevention compared to condoms but does nothing to prevent the spread of STDs.  It’s always a good idea to double-up on protection, because we’d all rather be safe than sorry!

These are just a few ideas to get you started for World Kindness Week.
