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There is a large amount of confusion about herpes infection and how it is transmitted. There are two types of herpes viruses and these include the herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2. The herpes simplex type 1 virus causes cold sores in the mouth regions while the herpes simplex type 2 virus causes genital herpes. The symptoms associated with this infection are experienced after the herpes incubation period.

Oral herpes causing cold sores or fever blisters is extremely common and affects as many as half of the people in United States. Following the herpes incubation period the symptoms may not be seen in some cases while in other cases the symptoms may include fever, pain and blisters in the regions of the throat and the mouth along with headaches.

Once the infection becomes active after the herpes incubation period the virus does not leave the body and so recurrent infections are often experienced. However in most cases the first outbreak of the infection is the worst and the recurrences are less severe. The recurrences are often experienced in the form of cold sores.

The herpes incubation period refers to the period from the time the infection enters the body to the time the actual manifestations of the disease start. This incubation period in herpes is normally around two weeks or even more. Once the virus enters the body it starts multiplying within the nerves and the skin but the symptoms associated with this condition are not experienced immediately.

In genital herpes the herpes incubation period is around 6 to 8 days and in some cases the period can be as long as 26 days. In some cases there may be no visible signs of this condition. In many cases the first outbreak is quite severe and the recurrences may be relatively less problematic. Once a person is infected in the incubation period the virus is able to travel by way of the nervous system and it then settles down at the base of the person’s spine in genital herpes. The infection is more contagious in the shedding period and this shedding can be observed any time following the incubation period. In this shedding small proportions of the virus may be present.


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