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Herpes is a problematic condition that infects the mouth, lips and the genital areas in patients. In some cases it may also affect the throat areas to some degree and so this may be called oral herpes or throat herpes. If a person is infected with the HSV 2 virus then the symptoms in this condition include sores in the genital areas and this is called genital herpes. A person with this infection can transmit the virus to the mouth and throat areas of another person through oral sex.

A person suffering from oral herpes has sores and lesions in the areas of the lips and the mouth and the throat areas may also be involved in this case. In the case of oral herpes or throat herpes the concerned individual may have problems such as difficulty in swallowing. In oral herpes the infection may affect areas of the mouth such as the roof and floor, tongue, cheeks, pharynx and gums and lips. Such virus can be transmitted through body secretions such as saliva, blood, urine and skin lesions as well.

Primarily HSV 1 is responsible for development of oral herpes or throat herpes. The symptoms associated with this condition usually occur around 2 to 3 weeks after a person is exposed to this virus. Before the eruption of sores there may be an itching or tingling following which lesions may be observed. The blisters are filled with a clear liquid that flows out once they open up. When the blisters dry out a thin scab is formed and the lesions dry and heal without scarring.

A way to avoid getting infected with oral or throat herpes is to refrain from genital and oral contact with anyone who has herpes. So it is advisable to avoid having sex with a person who has open sores. Using condoms during sexual activity is also extremely crucial. Intimate kissing should be avoided so as to ensure that transmission through saliva does not occur.

Herpes has no permanent cure and so the best way to manage the symptoms is to take antiviral treatment. Acyclovir, famciclovir and valacyclovir are the drugs that are commonly prescribed to treat this condition. Diagnosis of this condition can be made with the help of blister fluid sample or through viral culture. Blood samples can also be analyzed so as to detect specific antibodies that can determine the presence of the herpes simplex virus in the body.


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