STDs & You


VACCINES Some STDs can be prevented if you get the vaccine before being exposed to the specific STD it’s intended to prevent. There are currently two... 


PREVENTION The only way to completely avoid STDs and unintended pregnancy is not to have any type of sex of any kind (oral, anal or vaginal) or skin-to-skin... 

Condoms & Barriers

CONDOMS & BARRIERS The only way to completely avoid STDs and unintended pregnancy is not to have any sex at all, including oral, vaginal and anal sex.... 

What If

WHAT IF … I THINK I HAVE AN STD? Not all STDs can be cured, but many can be treated. The most important thing to remember is that more serious problems... 

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STDS) FAST FACTS 1 in 4 teen girls will get an STD this year. Of the 18.9 million new cases of STDs each year, 9.1 million... 

Are You at Risk?

ARE YOU AT RISK? WHO GETS STDs? Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) don’t discriminate — they can happen to anyone, regardless of sexual preference,...