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Research indicates that herpes is one of the most problematic diseases that are prevalent in United States. One in every five young people is infected with the herpes simplex virus. The two kinds of herpes viruses include the HSV-1 and the HSV-2. The HSV-2 virus commonly results in genital herpes. This infection can be transmitted if an uninfected person has sexual contact with someone who is infected.

The herpes simplex symptoms differ from case to case and in some cases individuals infected with this infection may have very few symptoms. In many individuals the symptoms may start after 2 to 20 days from the day the person was exposed to the infection and in some cases these symptoms may last for as long as several weeks.

The herpes simplex type 1 virus is responsible for development of cold sores in the mouth of patients and these are also called fever blisters. Such a virus is transmitted when close contact with the saliva of a person occurs. Treatment of herpes simplex is possible but this infection or disease cannot be totally cured.

The symptoms associated with this disease tend to appear for a brief period and then disappear. When these symptoms disappear then it means that the disease is lying latent within the nerve cells and may become activated due to illness or stress. Some other factors that can cause an outbreak include menstruation, sunburn, cold, fatigue and fever. While the disease is particularly contagious during the active period it can also be transmitted even when no active lesions are present.

Herpes simplex may include some serious complications such as eye infections wherein patients may experience pain in the eye along with eye discharge. A pregnant woman with genital herpes may transmit it to the baby so preventive measures should be taken to avoid further complications. A Cesarean section may be done to prevent this problem.

The most important symptom of the herpes simplex virus includes painful and itching blisters that are filled with a clear and whitish fluid. These blisters are seen in the areas around the external sexual organs or in the case of oral herpes near the lip. In women vaginal discharge may be seen and the other symptoms may include headache, fever, fatigue and muscle aches.

These blisters disappear in a period of around 2 to 10 days and the virus continues to remain dormant in the body till the time another outbreak is observed. In most cases of genital herpes individuals experience between 5 to 8 outbreaks every year even though everyone may not have the recurrent symptoms.

Herpes simplex can be treated with some anti viral medicines that include Acyclovir, Famycyclovir and Valaclovir. For effective treatment the medicines should be started as soon as possible. Acyclovir helps in reducing the continued production of this virus after the initial outbreak. Famcyclovir can help in ensuring that the infection does not completely establish itself.

Some other measures that should be taken particularly in an outbreak of genital herpes include wearing loose clothing, keeping the sores clean and avoiding exposure to sun. It is also important to avoid touching the sores and patients should also make it a point to wash hands if they touch the sores. Using a cool cloth on the area of the sores can also help. It is also important to limit the sexual partners to prevent the possibility of contracting herpes.


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