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Hepatitis A is basically a viral infection that affects the liver and is caused by the HAV virus which spreads hepatitis A. However, certain medications can as well be the probable cause of hepatitis A in some cases as the chemicals present in certain medicines can cause severe liver damage.

Hepatitis A is a generic term and it refers to inflammation of liver under any circumstance. In fact, it has been found that there are 5 types of acute viral hepatitis, which are indistinguishable from the other as the symptoms are quite common. However, these diseases aren’t related to one another in any ways except for the fact that all these types of hepatitis cause damage to the liver.

One should not confuse hepatitis A with other forms of viral hepatitis, since every form has a different mode of transmission and other such associated factors. While hepatitis A virus can be transmitted through the fecal or oral route, hepatitis B might be transmitted through drug abide or sexual contact.




Hepatitis A, earlier known as infectious hepatitis, is one of the most common diseases in children in the developing countries. However, it is also prominently seen in the developed nations these days and is one of the most prevalent causes of hepatitis in America.

The virus of hepatitis A spreads from the feces of an infected person, which has been directly or indirectly contaminating different items of food like raw shellfish, our regular drinking water, utensils and someone’s fingers as well.




Hepatitis A is characterized by fatigue, vomiting or nausea, fever, appetite loss, rashes, dark urine and jaundice or yellowing of skin. The symptoms can range from mild or moderate to severe pain in the abdomen, malaise and fever in its acute stages.

After being infected, it would take about 2-6 weeks time for a person to recover completely.




Usually, the diagnosis of hepatitis A involves the medical history of the person and then the liver examinations to detect any swelling or tenderness or enlargement.

If jaundice is also present in the person, chances are that the doctor would ask for some routine blood tests and other such liver panel tests. Additional tests might include the antibody test for hepatitis like RIBA II and ELISA II.

In some are cases, liver biopsy also becomes essential.

There aren’t any specific treatments for hepatitis A. However, there are certain medications that can give some relief. The disease usually subsides spontaneously after 2-6 weeks. Hospitalizations are not required in most of the cases, until of course the symptoms are really severe. Taking rest at home and drinking ample amount of fluids and water can help. The doctor would suggest that you quit smoking and alcohol and other such drugs that can aggravate the condition.




Hepatitis A can be easily prevented by:

  • Washing your hands properly after going to the bathroom.
  • Eating freshly cooked food.
  • Drinking water in abundance.
  • Avoiding soft drinks.
  • Washing fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating.
  • Carrying yoru own food and water while traveling.
  • Taking hepatitis A vaccination.

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