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Gonorrhea is commonly known as “the clap”, a sexually transmitted disease caused by the Neisseria Gonorrhea bacteria. This is one of the most common infections and anyone regardless of gender can catch it. The bacteria can be spread through mouth, penis, vagina or anus, this are parts where it is warm and moist an environment susceptible for bacteria to linger and grow. In women, this can be dangerous since bacteria can be found in fallopian tubes, cervix and even the uterus; this may cause infertility or cancer. Gonorrhea can also be transmitted from mother to child during birth, therefore causing serious and hazardous health issues.

Gonorrhea STD is common in large cities or places where education and socioeconomic status is below the borderline. Having multiple sexual partners, or having sex with someone who has a past history of any kind of STDs and having unprotected sex, are the major risk factor in getting infected.

Symptoms usually appear 2 to 5 days after being infected of gonorrhea. However there are some people who do not show any symptoms and remain unaware of their disease. Men for instance show symptoms of gonorrhea after a month or so, hence complications and chances of spreading the infection to their sex partners are more likely to happen.

However, signs of gonorrhea in men includes burning and pain while urinating, increased urgency in urinating, excretes white, yellow, or green colored mucus and red or swollen urethra, and even sore throat. On the other hand, indication of the infection on women is not very clear and unnoticeable at times, it can also be mistaken for another condition or infection. They include: Vaginal discharge, Pain during urinating, frequent urination, severe pain in the lower abdomen (especially when the infection reached the fallopian tubes and stomach), high fever and sore throat.

Several test can be made to check if the said symptoms are indeed gonorrhea STD, cervical gram stain and endocervical culture for gonorrhea can be done for women, while gram stain and urethral discharge culture for gonorrhea for men. In addition, tests such as throat swab culture, rectal culture and ligase chain reaction or LCR test can also be done to test men and women for gonorrhea.

Treatment of such case is always aggressive in order to stop the spreading of the bacteria. The primary concern will always be to cure the patient of the infection, then trace all the possible person that was infected by the patient. Antibiotics and penicillin was the usual medicine given to gonorrhea STD patients, unfortunately there are types of gonorrhea STD which is stronger and more resistant to such antibiotics. So there is really a need for gonorrhea patient to check with their physicians regarding stronger antibiotics or drugs that can be suitable to their type of infection.

Gonorrhea STD is a type of infection that can be a bit hard to detect for its symptoms can be related to other types of ailments. However it is always important to consult and seek professional help especially when you are sexually active or practicing unsafe sex. There is no other way to prevent this type of sickness than abstinence; it is the only 100% effective method of preventing such diseases. However, having a monogamous relationship will also slim down the chances of infection. In addition it is also important to cure gonorrhea as soon as possible to prevent spreading the bacteria.


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