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Anyone who is sexually active can get gonorrhea. It is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) that if left untreated, can lead to painful complications and even infertility to both infected males and females. Early diagnosis is the key to treating this STD and the prognosis, given proper treatment, is good. Don’t be a victim and watch out for these gonorrhea signs and symptoms.

Gonorrhea is an infection of the genitourinary tract, mainly the urethra and the cervix. The urethra is the transport tube that moves urine in females and both semen and urine in males. When the urethra is infected, the clinical signs are “dysuria” (pain and burning on urination), urinary incontinence (urination that you can’t control), “purulent” discharge (pus-like and greenish-yellow excretion) and itching. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus or the womb in women. Females may develop inflammation and purulent discharge from the cervix which are the most common of the gonorrhea signs and symptoms in infected females.

Many infected males and most infected females may be asymptomatic, or they may not exhibit gonorrhea signs and symptoms. Usually after three to six days, some infected males may notice pain or burning on urination with swelling of the testicles. There’s also a purulent discharge from the penis. Females may also experience vaginal bleeding in between their menstrual periods.

Untreated gonorrhea can spread further through the blood. Other indicators of “gonococcal” infection vary in relation to the site concerned. The gonorrhea signs and symptoms when the pelvis is involved are severe lower abdominal and pelvic pain, tenderness, bloated abdomen and muscular rigidity. When the rectum is infected the signs include anal itchiness and painful bowel movement. In most women, when the vulva is infected, the gonorrhea signs and symptoms include occasional burning, itching and pain. When the vagina is involved, there’s redness, profuse purulent discharge and swelling.

This disease is tricky because many infected males and most infected females may not develop gonorrhea signs and symptoms until it’s too late. If left untreated the infection can lead to more dangerous complications like chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women which is an exceedingly painful and probable debilitating condition. It can lead to a painful condition of the testicles in males called “epididymitis”. Both genders are also in danger of infertility or the inability to conceive offspring.

One needs to know that gonorrhea is not exclusively transmitted through sexual contact. Infected mothers can transmit this disease to their baby during its passage through the birth canal during delivery. There can also be eye involvement or conjunctivitis when infected persons touch their eyes with contaminated hands. This form of gonococcal infection is most common in men. Signs include redness and swelling of the eye. If left untreated, this “gonococcal conjunctivitis” can progress to blindness.

Learn to be aware and sexually responsible, avoid anyone even suspected of having these symptoms. Maintain a healthy monogamous relationship with a partner who’s uninfected. Infected individuals should inform sexual contacts so that they can be tested and treated as well. In the circumstance that any gonorrhea signs and symptoms are detected, even in the slightest sense, see a doctor immediately.


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