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Chlamydia and gonorrhea are two of the most widespread sexually transmitted diseases, and could bring about grave and even systemic complications when left untreated. Although some cases are asymptomatic, signs and symptoms of these diseases, when observed, should be relayed promptly to your doctor in order to successfully stop their progression.

Chlamydia would usually start in the cervix which becomes edematous. It then produces a yellow, purulent discharge which could be manifested simultaneously with spotting at the middle of the menstrual cycle. The inflammation of the urethra would cause painful urination as well as frequency of urination.

Painful urination is also a common manifestation in males although their discharge ranges from clear to mucopurulent. The rectum could also be inflamed if the microorganism was harbored through anal contact, as well as the pharynx if there was oral contact.

More often, chlamydial infections may exhibit none or few of these manifestations.

Gonorrhea, on the other hand, is manifested in females through a yellow-green purulent discharge and redness of the cervix. The vulva of the female may become red, swollen and sore. The woman may also experience abnormal menstrual bleeding and may complain of pain during urination. There is also an increased frequency of urination.

In gonorrhea, the manifestations occur earlier in males as compared with females. It usually starts as an infection of the anterior urethra that, when prolonged, could result to the production of a purulent penile discharge. Pain and frequency in urination could also be experienced by males. When these signs and symptoms are manifested and yet, are left untreated—the infection could spread to the epididymis and to the prostate gland and cause further inflammation. Orogenital contact could lead to pharyngitis as well as conjunctivitis.

The infection acquired could also spread to different body parts beyond the reproductive system. They could cause septic arthritis, arthralgias, inflammation of the tendons and synovial membranes, hepatic adhesions (also known as Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome), endocarditis and meningitis.

There are also some cases wherein there is coexistence between gonoccocal and chlamydial infections. Both of them need their own diagnostic tests and treatment. For clients who are treated for gonoccocal infections, it is advised to have presumptive treatment as well for chlamydial infections. This action is both considered as suitable and cost-effective.

If chlamydia and gonorrhea are given much attention in terms of their signs and symptoms, prompt detection and treatment could still preserve a person’s sexual health and reproductive capability.


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