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Gonorrhea is a very infectious sexually transmitted disease caused by gram-negative diplococci. These bacteria can be harbored through intimate sexual contact. Gonorrhea is treated with antibiotics, without waiting for test results, based on the clinical signs and symptoms.

Current antibiotic treatment for gonorrhea could include a single intramuscular dose of ceftriaxone, or a single oral dose of Cefixime. Other alternative cephalosphorins utilized are ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin. Levofloxacin is also an option although it is seldomly used because of the increasing numbers of quinolone-resistant microorganisms. For those persons who cannot tolerate ceftriaxone, another antibiotic called spectinomycin could be given. It is administered as a single intramuscular injection.

All gonorrheal infections should be treated as well for chlamydial infections and other sexually transmitted diseases. Persons with gonorrhea should always be assessed for other STDs.

There are times when gonococcal infections spread to other parts of the body, and in this case we would term it as disseminated gonorrhea. For this type of infection, ceftriaxone is administered intramuscularly or intravenously for 24 hours up to two days until improvement is observed. This is followed by oral administration of cefixime or ciprofloxacin given for seven days.

When taking the medications prescribed by your doctor, it is very important to note that all of the medication should be taken religiously to cure the disease. If you fail to complete the full course of treatment, you might provoke microorganisms to become drug-resistant. The medications are capable of stopping the progression of the infection, but it will not be capable of repairing any permanent injury or damage that was brought about by the disease.

It is also important that once treated for gonorrhea, it is still possible to be re-infected if your partner or partners have also been infected with gonorrhea. Therefore, once you are diagnosed of the disease, it is very important that you inform your partner or partners so that they too, could be tested for gonorrhea and treated promptly as well.

In pregnant women, it is also advisable to be screened and treated for gonorrhea as soon as possible to avoid further life-threatening complications in the baby. Some complications include infection of the joints, sepsis, and blindness. Babies who are born to infected mothers are given antibiotics suited for their age. Administration of silver nitrate ointment after birth to the eyes of the newborn can prevent infection and blindness.

If you have completed the full course of treatment and still experience the manifestations of the disease, it is advisable to visit your doctor for reevaluation.
Although highly infectious, gonorrhea is a curable disease. But since you are going to deal with antibiotics, it is imperative to take your meds with consistency and discipline to assure full convalescence.


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