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Gonorrhea neisseria is the bacterium that infects the urethra and genital tracts. The infection of the genital sites results in that venereal disease known as gonorrhea. Its medium of contagion is sexual contact such as penis-vaginal contact and oral contact of either penis or vagina.

Gonorrhea neisseria is commonly called as gonococcus. The bacterium was first discovered in 1879 by the German bacteriologist Albert Neisser. Albert Neisser observed the presence of a certain in all discharges of patients siffering from the disease. The bacterium was scietifically named as Neisseria gonorrhoeae after the German doctor.

Gonorrhea neisseria looks like a pair of kidney beans in a stained smear. That is because the bacterium pairs up with another in a stained serum. In a laboratory medium, they appear to have circular shapes: round or oval. Here, the bacterium exists in pairs, in singles, or in clumps.

They sound cute, but gonorrhea neisseria, like most bacteria, is, in fact, parasitic to humans. Although its presence has also been observed in animals, the bacterium only adversely attacks humans.

First, in males, they attack the urethra. When the bacterium attacks the urethra, the bacterium-carrier suffers from burning sensation on urination. The presence of pus in the discharge is also a symptom of the presence of gonorrhea neisseria.

Infection in females usually occurs first in the uterine cervix. Females usually do not experience the burning sensation that accompanies urination as much as men.

Infection, however, may spread to other sites in the body. In women, for instance, gonorrhea neisserium can spread into the upper genital tract. If such occurs, inflammation of the fallopian tube may result and other complications.

Newborn babies may also get infected by the bacterium if the mother suffers from gonorrhea. This occurs when the baby passes through the infected genital tract upon delivery.

Gonorrhea neisseria or gonococcus is known to attack only certain parts of the body. The bacterium thrives in the body’s moist areas such as the genitalia and the rectum. It is also found to grow in the throat.

Gonorrhea neisseria can also invade the bloodstream. This allows the infection to spread into other parts of the body such as the skin, heart valves and tendons. This is known as extragenital infection.

When health professionals conduct smear tests and examine the smear, they look for the presence of gonorrhea neisseria. The presence of this bacterium is a sure indicator that the patient suffers from that common venereal disease called gonorrhea. This bacterium is responsible for gonorrhea.


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