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Gonorrhea is considered as one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the world. The gonorrhea incubation period ranges from as early as 2 days to as late as 14. Symptoms would normally occur between the second day up to the fifth – in which time the gonorrhea incubation period is already well on its way.

Symptoms of gonorrhea vary and differ from one person to the next. As an example, men are less likely to notice any symptoms at all even if the gonorrhea incubation period has already passed. Many men won’t even have a single symptom manifest itself according to a fact sheet released by the Center for Disease Control.

A slight number of patients are asymptomatic for up to a year since the time of infection. In these rare cases, the gonorrhea incubation period had already passed although there are still no occurrence of symptoms associated with gonorrhea. This is attributed to an individual’s genetic make-up which may prevent or delay the symptoms from taking place.

30%-60% of women infected with gonorrhea may be asymptomatic to the disease. Amongst these cases, there are also a number who may have sub-clinical disease. This essentially means that the infected person won’t experience any symptoms of gonorrhea that may lead the individual to consult a physician.

Advanced symptoms such as cramps and pain, fever, vomiting or a combination of the stated symptoms may also occur. This may further point out the development of PID or pelvic inflammatory disease. As mentioned earlier, it is not uncommon for men to be asymptomatic to gonorrhea. The success of the gonorrhea incubation plays no part in these cases.

Men may also complain and experience pain while urinating and gleet which is a term for the discharge of copious amounts of urethral pus. These are the most common symptoms of gonorrhea suffered by men. Infection may eventually extend to the prostate gland or the testicles which may cause scrotal pain or swelling – further manifestations of the disease.

Women on the other hand may complain of dysuria (another term for difficulty in urinating), bleeding after copulation or vaginal discharge. Inflammation of the cervix with pus may also occur.

The symptoms stated above are indications of gonorrhea although some are also evident in other cases of sexually transmitted diseases. The gonorrhea incubation period depends from one person to the next.

For men, this normally takes place earlier than those of the women while eye infection in newborn infants occurs 2 to 5 days after conception. Treatment for the disease is relatively quick and easy, usually taking 1 to 2 weeks after the treatment begins.


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