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Gonorrhea, although its signs and symptoms can manifest usually up to 10 days or even a month, is considered a disease that is very well dispersed. The basic treatment for an infection such as this type of sexually transmitted disease is eradicating the offending organism that has invaded the body.

One of the goals is to first provide a remedy to the patient and next is to determine all of the people that the patient had sexual intercourse and have them tested for the infection as well. Treatment of all other people with whom the patient had sexual encounters within the past 60 days should be done to prevent further infection to more people. The patient is prohibited to have sexual contacts for the meantime while being treated.

To eradicate the organism or the bacteria that causes gonorrhea, antibiotics are prescribed by the physician. Various antibiotics can significantly treat gonorrhea in no time at all. However, there are also some strains of bacterial gonorrhea that need to be considered so the physician could really treat the patient well. Consequently, the patient must also be tested for other signs of other STDs as well.

Penicillin, tetracycline, and sulfa drugs at times still can treat gonorrhea, but it is not widely used anymore because many bacteria now no longer respond to the drug as they have grown resistant. The bacteria which gives gonorrheal infection has arisen to the other antibiotics class, the fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, or levofloxacin).

These are not used anymore for treatment of gonorrhea. Nowadays, cephalosporins (ceftriaxone) and spectinomycin are advised for patients with gonorrhea as well as azithromycin has established better results to those with simple infections. Other alternative antibiotics for this simple gonococcal infection are also available.

The patient should take great care in following a strict medication regimen. Even if the medication has stopped the infection, the patient is now more prone to infection again and any permanent impairment is hard to treat. If signs and symptoms persist, the patient needs to visit the physician to be reevaluated. Most often a gonorrhea culture is done to identify what strain of bacteria is resistant to that type of medication the patient had taken. A follow-up visit is recommended usually after one week upon treatment ends. Then a final laboratory tests is done to confirm total eradication of the infection.

The treatment for gonorrhea is uncomplicated. Antibiotics, if taken precisely as instructed by the doctor, easily treats gonorrhea infections. Poor compliance leads to further complications such as other related diseases including the pelvic inflammatory disease.


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