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Gonorrhea is a kind of sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the bacteria Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, the gonococcus. In a recent study conducted by the American Social Health Association, an estimated 1.1 million men and women in the United States are prone to gonorrhea infection annually. The extent of infection, the severity, and the signs and the symptoms may vary in men and women.

Although people who suffer from gonorrhea are likely to be symptomatic, unlike other STDs like Chlamydia, one of the most common gonorrhea sign is no symptom at all. Like Chlamydia, gonorrhea signs manifest themselves two to six days after being exposed or infected to the bacteria.

In men, the most common gonorrhea sign is a yellowish substance from the penis, accompanied by painful urination, and there is an urge to pee frequently. If not treated right away, the disease can spread from the urethra to contaminate the seminal vesicles, Cowper’s glands, prostate gland, and the epididymis, which, if inflamed and scarred, can may the victim sterile.

In women, the gonorrhea sign is manifested in the urethra or cervix. Sometimes, the infection is so slight that it goes undetected, particularly with an inflamed cervix. Other common gonorrhea signs consist of a cloudy vaginal discharge, abnormal menstrual cycle, pain when urinating, and lower abdominal discomfort. When the gonorrhea sign is unnoticed and not treated at once, it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can lead to infertility, pelvic abscesses, and ectopic pregnancy.

People who engage in oral and anal sex are prone to gonorrhea. When infected through oral sex, common gonorrhea signs may involve sore throat, tonsillitis, or may not be manifested at all. In anal sex, some of the gonorrhea signs may include itchiness, urge to go to the toilet frequently, an inflamed rectum or anus, itchiness, pus-like or bloody discharge, or may not manifest itself at all.

To detect this disease, health care providers utilize a smear, or usually, cultivated in culture. Another way of diagnosing gonorrhea signs is through DNA probes which can lead to an immediate diagnosis. The most common form of treating gonorrhea signs is through antibiotics. However, there are some forms of gonorrhea strains that are resistant to penicillin so new antibiotics are needed to effectively cure these resistant gonorrhea strains. Since infection with both gonorrhea and Chlamydia is a usual occurrence, both partners need simultaneous treatment. The health care professional will determine the most suitable method of treatment.

When diagnosed with gonorrhea, the infected individual should take full advantage of antibiotics and come back for a consultation four to seven days after treatment for a repeat culture to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment. The infected person should avoid vaginal, oral, or anal sex until cure from the disease has been guaranteed to avoid being infected with gonorrhea again.


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