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Many of us have heard about Chlamydia but still don’t know what is Chlamydia. In the following article we are going to discuss the Chlamydia infection and give you some information about it.

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection or to be more precise a bacterial infection, most frequently spread by sexual contact with an already infected person. It has got its name by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. It has been discovered in 1907, but it has probably been present for hundreds of years before that. However, until recently there weren’t any trustworthy and simple tests for Chlamydia, and luckily today we have tests which help diagnose a Chlamydia infection very accurately.

Chlamydia today is considered to be one of the most frequent and most harmful sexually transmitted diseases (STD) because it affects the reproductive organs. It is considered to be much more widespread than gonorrhea

According to some statistics each year are registered over 50 million Chlamydia infections in the world and around 3.000.000 cases are registered just in the US. However we believe that this numbers are even greater because the Chlamydia infection is asymptomatic which means that many men and women who are infected don’t experience the symptoms of Chlamydia infection.

There is also one more question that is often asked and that is – Who gets Chlamydia infection? The answer is quite simple since it applies to other sexually transmitted diseases. Every sexually active person can get Chlamydia infection. However there are certain groups which are at higher risk:

  • Teenagers who are sexually active
  • People who are already suffering from any STD
  • People who have a sex partner suffering from any STD
  • People who have more sex partners
  • People having a new sex partner

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