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When it comes to detecting chlamydia symptoms in women, it is necessary to mention that such symptoms are present in only 20 – 30 % percent of the cases. The remaining 70 – 80 % of women notice no irregularities or oddities whatsoever, which is why Chlamydia often remains undiagnosed and may even be passed on to the child during pregnancy or child birth or to other individuals through unprotected vaginal, oral or anal sex.

The most typical chlamydia symptom in women is an unusual vaginal discharge, yellowish in color and rather dense and sticky. Secondly, Chlamydia is manifested by burning or painful sensations during urination, which is of increased frequency. Furthermore, as the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis affects the cervix, a commonplace occurrence is the contraction of cervicitis – the inflammation of the cervix.

Cervicitis is fairly similar to urethritis in men and is primarily caused by other existing sexually transmitted diseases. Rarely, it occurs as an allergic reaction to latex condoms, spermicides or intrauterine contraceptive devices. It is manifested by increased vaginal discharge, which may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Bleeding may take place during or after intercourse, sometimes along with discomfort or pain.

Should Chlamydia spread to the uterus and/or the fallopian tubes, the pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) normally follows. PID is characterized by pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge, painful intercourse sometimes accompanied by bleeding and high fever or nausea.

Chlamydia is known to affect the eyes or the throat of both men and women. Throat affected by Chlamydia produces no symptoms. Nonetheless, if the infection has taken place in the eyes, it is expected that irritation, pain or swelling should occur, which is commonly attributed to conjunctivitis.

The consequences of untreated Chlamydia symptoms in women are manifold and vary in their gravity. If an infection is neglected, there is a significant risk of salpingitis (infection of the fallopian tubes, similar to PID, but localized in the fallopian region), infertility and ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside of the uterus, when the fertilized egg implants itself into the fallopian tubes or rarely ovaries, cervix or abdomen).

Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome appears fairly uncommonly as a consequence of untreated Chlamydia symptoms in women, in the form of inflammation of the tissue surrounding the liver.

Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) is frequently sparked by the presence of the Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria in the body. Microbes enter the body through skin or mucous membrane lesions and spread to the local lymph nodes where deposits of pus are formed. In the initial stage, the disease is manifested by appearance of abscesses in the groin region, often accompanied by headache, fever or muscle pain. In the following stage, lymph nodes start swelling and pus is secreted. The infection may affect the surrounding tissue and linger in the body for quite some time.

Owing to the aforementioned risks, chlamydia symptoms in women should under no condition be neglected. Therefore, a prompt reaction to symptoms and regular screenings are an absolute must.


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