Family Medicine Spokane


Family health care (all areas of healthcare and all ages) including women’s health care, obstetrics, Native American Healthcare, hospital care, primary care surgeries, sports medicine.



R. Barry Barnes, MD
Tabitha Danley, DO
Barry Linehan, PA-C
John McCarthy, MD
Anne Montgomery, MD
Gary Newkirk, MD
Frank Otto, MD
Dale Peterson, PA-C
Edward Reisman, MD
Bryan Stamm, MD


Jared Anderson, MD
Drostan Baker, MD
Tyler Baker, MD
Joshua Beers, MD
Barbara Brandon, DO (Sports Med. Fellow)
Dang Do, MD
Tanuja Edvalson, MD (Colville)
Jillian Foglesong, MD
Laura Fralich, MD
Andrea Gustafson, DO
Eric Hernandez, MD
Jessica Holzman, MD
Meagan Jones, DO
Gloria Van Eaton Lowe, MD
Katie McGree, DO
Molly McNab, MD
Shannon Servin-Obert, DO
Amie Shaw, DO
Mitchell Tippetts, MD
Eric Tubbs, MD
Kara Watterson, MD
Ashlee Weimar, MD (Colville)
Lincoln Westfall, DO (Colville)
Matthew Whitacre, MD
Brad Wynn, DO


STD testing and treatment, birth control, well women’s annual exams, obstetrics, immunizations, colposcopy and LEEP procedures, skin surgeries, hospital care, and management of acute and chronic illness.

Additional Information

Most insurance plans accepted, including Basic Health, Molina, Community Health Plan of Washington, Medicaid, & Medicare. Please contact the office for more information.

W Fifth & Brown Medical Center 104 W 5th Ave, Suite 200 Spokane, WA 99204
(509) 624-2313
Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm

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